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Play your Past-Perf Cards Carefully on Polaris!!!!

gsa gwac polaris May 09, 2021
Polaris Thumbnail

Don't forget to register for our webinar series on how to become a prime on the Polaris GWAC IDIQ. [Register HERE!]

So about teaming and past performance, hear me out! 

Past performance will play a substantial role in the process of awarding Prime Contract Holder slots in the upcoming Polaris GWAC IDIQ. How much weight?  Great question and thanks for asking. If the past is any indication; it will be substantial.  See the table below:

past perf chart

It doesn't take a Ph.D. in statistical analysis to conclude that "Past Perf" will be weighted heavily on the award criteria. Whether it is 60% or 90% - it will be material.  

Here is the kicker - You can only use any given past performance for evaluation ONCE. This carries substantial implications if you are teaming; and even more so if you plan on being in multiple teams.

What "ONCE" means here is that if you offer "Past Performance A" to TEAM "X" (for instance), you can't use that past performance elsewhere. Not for your company. Not for any other team.

If you are a capture manager - you have to develop a comprehensive strategy on how to best leverage your past performance options, and those of your teammates.

If you are interested in pursuing Polaris, don't waste any time. You got to jump on your bidding evaluation (Got to do a BNB!) and collect your past performance examples immediately. Your success in getting a prime seat on Polaris depends largely on your plan.

Here are a few recommendations on what to do to get ready!!

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