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GSA Polaris – Only the facts. Only the facts!

capture management gsa idiq Jun 13, 2021
Polaris GWAC IDIQ from GSA

Bid-No-Bid with DATA, not just your gut.

If you are contemplating GSA’s Polaris as an IDIQ for your small business concern, here is a “one-two” punch:

  1. Polaris is a points-based award IDIQ
  2. You need data - not just your gut - to inform your BNB

Unlike other massive IDIQs with multiple printed volumes, requiring the most out of your Proposal Team’s “Creative writing 401” courses in college, GSA Polaris has six digital volumes that will consume only facts in the form of documents or “artifacts” whose content you can’t edit or spin.

GSA Polaris is a “points-based award” IDIQ, and it is estimated that between 70% and 90% of bidders’ points will come from two volumes:

  • Relevant experience
  • Past performance

Relevant experience are those previous projects where the work your company performed is relevant to the areas of performance that GSA Polaris will serve. Past performance will come from those CPARs or past performance surveys on your relevant experience projects.

So what’s the big deal about “facts” and “data” on this IDIQ? Thanks for asking…

As we discussed in our blog Play your Past-Perf Cards Carefully on Polaris!!!! you will only be allowed to use any past performance you select ONCE – PERIOD.

  • Not “once per submission”
  • Not “once per teammate”
  • Not “once per relevant experience are”


Being that you only have a limited number of RELEVANT experience examples, and consequently, past performances you can use, you have to choose wisely. And this is where DATA matters.

We know that GSA Polaris is going to replace Alliant SB and service NAICS 541512, so we know:

  • What agencies have solicited using this NAICS the most
  • What agencies have used Alliant SB most frequently
  • What vendors have made the most out of obligated funds, and what those related task orders look like

You can therefore use some high-level statistical analysis to compare the Relevant Experience and Past Performances you want to use in your submission and see how they stack with what history tells you will resonate with the evaluation board, as well as what customers have spent their money to get.

The data will not lie. If you have plenty of relevant experience and solid past performance, AND your customers are part of that group that used Alliant SB and NAICS 541512, you may have a good chance and be barking up the right tree.  If not, you may want to re-assess! Remember though, that you’ll have 500+ other small businesses to compete with, so choose the past performance and relevant experience you want to highlight wisely. Read 8 Steps to Winning on GSA Polaris GWAC for additional details on how to rack and stack these to your advantage.

Check out the blog 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Bid GSA Polaris”  to see if you have a real chance and should be even bidding on GSA Polaris. The facts will answer the doubt that your gut can’t resolve. Also, Companies like Trident Proposal Management and C2P can help you with evaluation. They have expertise and tools that you can afford and should use to make the best decision to go after GSA Polaris and make the most of the IDIQ once you qualify as a “prime contractor”.

Check out their webinar this Wednesday 16JUN2021 and learn more about how to qualify as a prime and maximize your investment on GSA’s Polaris IDIQ. Remember – this IDIQ is not about creative writing; this one is purely about the facts!! 

If you are interested in pursuing the Polaris GWAC IDIQ, here are some recommendations for you:

  1. Download our GSA Polaris eligibility checklist here
  2. Download our GSA Polaris self-assessment and gathering project documentation
  3. Sign up here for our GSA Polaris newsletter and get alerts on the contract as they happen.
  4. Sign up for updates from the GSA Small Business Community of Interest
  5. Verify your WOSB cert is in order or make updates at 

Don't forget to register for our webinar series on how to become a prime on the Polaris GWAC IDIQ. [Register HERE!]

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